Page 4 - Environment 2018






Page 4 - Environment 2018
P. 4
Message from the CEO

It is with great pleasure to welcome you to the 20th issue of our
Environmental Services Department's informative e-publication “Care for the
Environment”, which summarizes our Company’s environmental protection
actions related to airport operations during 2017.

AIA’s Environmental Management System (EMS) provides the framework for
monitoring all environmental aspects and addressing all significant environmental
challenges. It has been certified according to the international standard EN ISO 14001
since 2000 and in 2017 was successfully re-certified in accordance with the latest
version (2015) of the standard.

We are strongly committed to maintain and further enhance conditions of sustainable
development for the airport by implementing best practices in airport operations and
investing in efficiency and effectiveness of equipment and infrastructure. In 2017, AIA
completely refurbished its Noise MonitoringTerminals (NMTs), which have been operating continuously
since 2001. We also completed and submitted to the pertinent authorities the Airport’s Strategic Noise
Map (SNM) updated for 2016 traffic data as well as the relevant Noise Mitigation Action Plan. In addition,
implementation of our annual Climate Change Action Plan helped us reduce our carbon footprint
more than 40% between 2005 and 2017.

Moreover, we implemented a number of initiatives, aimed at enhancing environmental culture and
awareness within the entire airport community, such as a) participation in “Earth Hour”,
b) increasing the recycling rate across the airport site, from just 3% in 2001 to more than 60% in
2017 and c) presenting AIA’s first ever Airport Third Party Environmental Excellence Award.

ΑΙΑ is the first Greek Airport which certified its Energy Management System (EnMS) in
accordance with the ISO 50001:2011 standard.This specific ISO standard helps organizations adopt
and implement the appropriate policies, procedures, and tools to systematically track, analyse
and improve energy efficiency.

Finally, AIA's 2017 Community Engagement Plan was successfully implemented through
a number of initiatives addressing the areas of education, social aid, culture, athletics
and environmental awareness in the local communities surrounding the airport.

Thus, in the context of providing a complete view on environmental
issues, I present you the 2017 issue of “Care for the Environment”.

DrYiannis N. Paraschis

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