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2. Business Highlights
The Airport Company’s business highlights for 2008 are summarised below:

Airport Operations
• S afe, efficient and orderly airline operations combined with high quality airport services were ensured

for another year.
• Having safety as a top priority of our operations, AIA further reinforced its efforts to improve safety

awareness among the airport community and to reduce the number of incidents by a set of actions
resulting in a 25% decrease in incidents versus 2007.
• In compliance with Regulation (EC) 1107/2006, the Airport Company assumed as of 26 July 2008 the
on-ground provision of assistance services to disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility (PRM).
These services are being provided through 3 PRM contractors, who handled the start-up phase successfully
together with the Airport Company.
• T he 5th full-scale emergency exercise was successfully held at the airport in November, in compliance with
ICAO standards, with the participation of General Secretariat of Civil Protection, Hellenic Civil Aviation
Authority (ATC and Aviation Authority), Airport Fire Corps, Hellenic Fire Corps, Hellenic Police, the Airport
Emergency Medical Services and EKAV, British Airways, and Swissport.
• D uring the 17th and 18th February, heavy snowfall created various operational difficulties for the airport
and forced airlines to reschedule or cancel a large number of flights. The Airport Company’s actions proved
effective, under the circumstances, while special mention should be made to the mobilisation of AIA’s staff,
which contributed to the overall successful response to the special conditions. Following the evaluation of
the airport’s winter operations, the company decided to invest further in its snow removal capabilities.

Airport Marketing & Pricing
• The airport’s consistent and active support to airlines’ route development through its wide-scale, innovative

marketing programmes, was recognised for a fourth consecutive year, by AIA receiving the OAG-Routes
Airport Marketing Award in the new “European region” category during the 14th World Route Development
Forum, “ROUTES” in Kuala Lumpur.
• In November we hosted in Athens the IATA 123rd Schedules Conference, attracting over 1,200 delegates
from 300 airlines and more than 200 airports. During the conference AIA had the opportunity of presenting
its development plans and capacity advantages, as well as the competitiveness of the Greek market.
• In the frame of the “Superbrands Greece” Award Ceremony in March, Athens International Airport’s
brand was recognised as the leading brand in Greece, receiving the “Superbrand” status in the “Travel
Services” category, as well as the grand award “Chrisos Ilios” acknowledging as the best Greek brand
amongst all categories.
• Within the framework of the Company’s aeronautical development strategy, a below inflation adjustment
of 2.5% was applied in Landing, Parking and Passenger Terminal Facility charges, while the Security
charge remained unchanged and the Ground Handling Central Infrastructure charges (with the exception
of CUTE) were reduced by 2.5%. A new PRM charge was introduced in September to cover the costs of
AIA’s new service. At the same time, we continued to offer airlines our competitive incentives and
marketing programme, which in 2008 corresponded to a value of approximately €6.2 million.

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2008 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated)
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