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2. Address by the CΕΟ

introduction of our Value Based Management (VBM) Programme, a voluntary partnership led by the association
methodology, we are able to monitor and improve our “The Smile of the Child”, that assists in the search and the
business performance both at corporate and business unit safe recovery of lost children.
level. For 007, the financial value creation as measured Summer 007 was sadly marked by the disastrous fires that
by Added Value on Assets (AVA) grew from €8.1 million affected a large part of Greece bringing thousands of people
in 006, to €67.7 million, thanks to increased revenues and living in agricultural areas, in despair. Our company stood
efficient asset utilisation from all the company’s business by the side of our fellow citizens during these hard times.
units, which all achieved higher AVA compared to 006. Besides offering €1 million to the Special Fund established
by the Greek State for the fire-affected, we supported the
Social Responsibility drive of our employees to raise funds and help two stock
Athens International Airport is committed to sustainable farming communities to recover.
value creation for all stakeholders, acknowledging its role as
a responsible company. In the context of sound Corporate 2008 Outlook
Governance, the Airport Company operates in compliance Following the good development of the 007 traffic and
with the obligatory framework and beyond, incorporating financial results, I would like to go briefly through AIA’s
moral, social, and environmental aspects. The year 007 was future development plans, focusing on airport capacity,
highlighted by significant developments for AIA’s Corporate property development, external business, and care for the
Responsibility, as the Airport Company ranked 4th among environment.
the 100 largest Greek companies within the framework of Taking into account the aviation industry’s cyclic nature,
the AccountabilityTM Rating Greece benchmarking survey, traffic in 008 is expected to see a slower growth than the
which evaluates the Corporate Responsibility disclosures previous years, resulting in an annual passenger throughput
versus criteria relating to Strategy, Management Systems of 17.1 million, corresponding to a forecast operating
and Stakeholder Engagement. revenue and ADF of €40 million.
Our “green” action and efforts for the minimisation of the As traffic is growing, the airport is entering a period with
airport operations impact on the environment and the local increasing investment requirements for optimisation of
communities have been among our top priorities throughout current capacity, while infrastructure expansion now lies
007. Having invested more than €40 million until today not very far ahead. Having asserted that current terminal
in pioneering environmental projects and initiatives, in the capacity is at 1 million passengers, according to IATAs
previous year, we continued implementing an integrated study, the company has undertaken actions to ensure such
environmental management system with very good results. infrastructure is optimally used. Within this scope, AIA will
Our recycling programme exceeded our initial goals reaching proceed with an investment aiming at increased utilisation of
4% of the airport’s total waste, further raising our goal the Satellite Terminal Building and improvements in the Main
for 008. Committed to reducing our impact on climate Terminal Building, creation of additional commercial space
change, we drew up AIA’s Climate Change Corporate Action and business lounges and improvement of the terminal’s
Plan that for 008 includes actions in the areas of airport ambience, introducing new or upgraded passenger services,
operations, transportation, energy management and the aiming to optimise the use of latest IT&T technologies.
natural environment. Furthermore, we took the first steps In the area of property development, the completion of
for the licensing of a Photovoltaic Park development within the new exhibition centre in 009 will mark the creation
the airport premises. of a significant big-scale exhibition venue for the city of
Within the context of AIA’s commitment to its active Athens, which is projected to boost significantly business
social role, AIA enhanced in 007 its corporate citizenship travel volumes.
programmes. In that respect, we continued our regular Aiming at a strong international presence, Athens
communication with local state authorities, associations, and International Airport will continue to invest in a dynamic
corporate bodies, and implemented our annual corporate external IT&T business activity capitalising on AIA’s
local communities action plan, which included infrastructure reputation, expertise and quality of services. Within 008,
projects, services, financial and material support, responding the key projects for AIA will include the installation of the
to expressed community needs. In addition, we hosted CUTE system in five regional airports in Greece, and the
and promoted various events and exhibitions relating to provision of services to Dubai, Hyderabad, and Budapest
our country’s cultural heritage and contemporary art. We airports.
continued our on-going support to non-profit organisations Our company’s environmental action and initiatives will
for the benefit of children and other society groups in need, continue, based on the principle that environmental
and committed ourselves to participating in the Amber Alert protection is a prerequisite for the continuous development

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