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P. 113
4.30 Commitments

As at 1 December 007 the Company has the following significant commitments:

a) Capital expenditure commitments amounting to approximately € 9,4 million (006: € 4,6 million)

b) Operating expenditure commitments, which are estimated to be approximately to € 115,0 million
(006: € 148,0 million) mainly related to outsourced services, to be settled as follows:

Analysis of operating expenditure commitments 2007 2006 Restated

Within 1 year 7.800.000 .500.000

Between 1 and 5 years 66.500.000 10.400.000

More than 5 years 10.600.000 11.00.000

Total operating expenditure commitments 114.900.000 148.200.000

c) Operating lease commitments are analysed as follows: 2007 2006
Analysis of operating lease commitments 16.158 1.70
0.08 8.44
Within 1 year 518.466 559.794
Between 1 and 5 years
Total operating lease commitments

   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118