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THE FUTURE OF What is A&M Architects’ vision for the next Intelligence has already impacted or will
ARCHITECTURE, 40 years of operations? impact the role of an architect?
SUSTAINABILITY, AND Our vision for the next four decades is to con- Every technological revolution inevitably
AI: A DISCUSSION WITH sistently craft buildings and spaces that exude generates new data and typically transforms
A&M ARCHITECTS a sense of vitality and meaning. We aspire to our toolkit. Take, for instance, our adoption
CEO, MICHALIS infuse our projects with a positive aura while of computers and Computer-Aided Design
MAVROLEON, ON THE striking a harmonious balance between the ide- (CAD) back in 1983. This marked the com-
OCCASION OF THE al and the attainable. To eagerly anticipate the mencement of our reliance on technology to
COMPANY’S 40-YEAR satisfaction and joy of our clients, and in their handle the more routine aspects of the design
COURSE. / ΤΟ ΜΈΛΛΟΝ best interest, to continue evolving our commit- process. Over time, this technology evolved
ΤΗΣ ΑΡΧΙΤΈΚΤΟΝΙΚΗΣ, ment to the art of design. and became economically accessible, not only
Η ΒΙΩΣΙΜΟΤΗΤΑ ΚΑΙ Our enduring vision entails A&M to remain revolutionizing architecture but the entire de-
ΤΟ ΑΙ: Ο CEO ΤΗΣ a distinguished architectural firm, with a di- sign industry. However, it’s crucial to note that
A&M ARCHITECTS, verse team of accomplished engineers across the essence of a designer’s thinking, particularly
ΜΙΧΑΛΗΣ various disciplines, collaborating seamlessly the creative dimension, remained untouched.
ΜΑΥΡΟΛΈΩΝ, ΣΈ and efficiently under one roof. We endeavor I hold the belief that a similar trajectory awaits
ΜΙΑ ΣΥΖΗΤΗΣΗ ΜΈ not only to construct physical structures and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
ΑΦΟΡΜΗ ΤΑ 40 ΧΡΟΝΙΑ environments for our clients but, above all, to AI-driven design commences with a well-crafted
ΤΗΣ ΈΤΑΙΡΈΙΑΣ. foster enduring friendships. narrative. If the narrative is robust, the AI-gen-
What is the key to your success? erated proposals that emerge will be evaluated
The cornerstone of our success lies in our hu- and harnessed by architects once more. This
man resources. We are committed to ongoing underscores the fact that AI is poised to serve
investments in strategic planning, cutting-edge as an additional tool, rather than a replacement
technologies, and comprehensive training for for human creativity.
our personnel. Our refined selection process In what ways have you implemented the
and enhanced methodologies have greatly el- principles of sustainability in your company?
evated our staffing and recruitment proce- At A&M, our commitment to sustainability is
dures. We are methodically nurturing A&M’s deeply ingrained in our design process, where
corporate culture, characterized by core val- we consistently strive to ensure that our pro-
ues such as transparency, a relentless pursuit jects pose no harm to the environment or their
of knowledge, seamless teamwork, and a fer- occupants. Our approach involves selecting
vent commitment to knowledge sharing in all eco-friendly materials and incorporating ad-
directions. These values continue to evolve as vanced technology systems to not only con-
we refine our approach. People often inquire serve energy but also minimize environmental
whether the growth of A&M, which currently impact. We actively adhere to recognized sus-
stands at 75 employees, reflects our resilience. tainability standards such as LEED, BREEAM,
Indeed, our expanding workforce is a visible and WELL, which align seamlessly with one of
indicator of our quantitative growth. As we A&M’s fundamental design principles.
expand, the demand for support among our Undoubtedly, the paramount criterion for sus-
team members also naturally increases. With tainability lies in our ability to design and con-
a substantial number of ongoing projects and a struct buildings that withstand the test of time
growing staff, we continuously create opportu- and seamlessly harmonize with the unique
nities for professional development. This stra- characteristics of their geographic environment.
tegic approach enables us to fulfill our long- What advice would you offer to a young
standing commitment to delivering: Successful architect embarking on their career?
Projects that Build Strong Client Relationships. I would recommend that they nurture their PROMOTION
To what extent do you believe Artificial passion for architecture, remain observant to

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