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"Welcome to the most upgraded shopping ex-
perience! On our digital shelves, you will find
amazing offers and products that should not
be missing from any home. Now, and for just
a few more days, visit our renewed e-shop,, and take advantage of the fol-
lowing deals: one slice of toast, yours for only
$239! Two pieces of cheese, 19g each, family
pack, at the special price of $109! Four pieces of
chocolate, plus one free, yours for $890! A 35g
beef patty at an introductory price of $2,899!"
No, the above prices are not a dark inflation
scenario from the future. This is the price
catalogue of essential products and goods in
a world where water is scarce. However, the
global water crisis is not part of a distant dys-
topia, but rather a visible threat that has al-
ready begun to show its effects. Last March, for
the first time in decades, the United Nations IN DEEP WATER
held the Water Conference in New York. As The Drop Store raises
expected, the results announced do not bode awareness on how
well for the future of the planet. According water affects literally
to the UN, approximately 2 billion people everything and
currently do not have access to clean drink- everyone. / Το Drop
ing water, while 40% of the world's popula- Store μάς επισημαίνει
tion suffers from water scarcity for signifi- ότι το νερό επηρεάζει
cant periods each year. The report shock- κυριολεκτικά τα
ingly reveals that by 2050, 5 billion people, πάντα γύρω μας.
or roughly two-thirds of the global popula-
tion, will have insufficient access to water, at
least for one month per year.
But what do all these numbers mean in prac-
tical terms? Beyond the shock they may elic- of the estimated cost of the basic products we, και προλάβετε: μία φέτα ψωμί
it upon being heard, the average person can- consume, when there will be water scarcity. του τοστ, δική σας μόλις με 239 δολάρια!
not imagine exactly how their life and daily The smart and modern packaging is not only Δύο κομματάκια τυρί 19 γρ., οικογενειακή
routine will be affected in a world dominat- reduced in quantity, but its label also includes συσκευασία, στην προνομιακή τιμή των 109
ed by water scarcity. Water affects far more the grams of water consumed for the produc- δολαρίων! Τέσσερα κομματάκια σοκολάτας
aspects and sectors than previously thought. tion of each product, as well as the phenom- δικά σας με 890 δολάρια + 1 δώρο! Ένα
In reality, it impacts everything we eat and enon that caused the water scarcity (such as μοσχαρίσιο μπιφτέκι των 35 γρ. σε τιμή
consume. For this reason, and in light of the floods, droughts, water pollution, etc.). γνωριμίας στα 2.899 δολάρια!»
Water Conference, the Ministry of Foreign The day clean water will be considered a lux- Όχι, οι παραπάνω τιμές δεν είναι σκοτεινό
Affairs of the Netherlands, in collaboration ury is much closer than we think. And what σενάριο από το μέλλον του πληθωρισμού.
with design agency Publicis Groupe, launched can we do about it? For starters, the Water Πρόκειται για τον τιμοκατάλογο προϊόντων
The Drop Store, a virtual supermarket with Agenda was approved at the Conference, και αγαθών πρώτης ανάγκης σε έναν κόσμο
the aim of visualising the following question: which includes a series of voluntary commit- στον οποίο το νερό σπανίζει. Ωστόσο, η
what would our lives look like in a world with ments to enhance and preserve global water παγκόσμια κρίση του νερού δεν ανήκει σε
less water? And more specifically, how much security. On an individual level, the project's κάποια μακρινή δυστοπία, αλλά πρόκειται
will the lack of water cost us? It's an innova- vision is to radically change the way we use, για μία ορατή απειλή που έχει ήδη αρχίσει
tive idea based on the consumerism of our manage, and consume water. To reevaluate να δείχνει τα δόντια της. Τον περασμένο
era, which is flooded with brands, products, the value of the most essential life resource Μάρτιο στη Νέα Υόρκη διεξήχθη, για πρώτη
and online shops. Thus, in order to resonate because, from now on, every drop counts. φορά μετά από δεκαετίες, η Διάσκεψη για
more with the younger generation, the team «Καλωσήρθατε στην πιο αναβαθμισμένη το Νερό υπό την αιγίδα του Οργανισμού
behind the project followed a branding and εμπειρία shopping! Στα ψηφιακά μας ράφια Ηνωμένων Εθνών. Όπως ήταν αναμενόμενο,
packaging design approach. After all, they θα βρείτε καταπληκτικές προσφορές και τα αποτελέσματα που ανακοινώθηκαν
are the ones who will primarily experience προϊόντα που δεν πρέπει να λείπουν από δεν είναι καθόλου καλά για το μέλλον του
the consequences of this crisis. κανένα σπίτι. Τώρα και για λίγες μόνο μέρες, πλανήτη. Σύμφωνα με τον ΟΗΕ, σήμερα,
As such, the Drop Store offers a “bitter” taste μπείτε στο ανανεωμένο μας e-shop, το drop- περίπου 2 δισεκατομμύρια άνθρωποι δεν

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