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M AY-J U L 2018



THE AIA #ATHENSAIRPORTRAITS connect and identify creatively with the city. Then, the next step will follow.
INITIATIVE, TAKES US ON A On the occasion of UNESCO selecting #HubOfStories; or, in other words, all these
JOURNEY TO A WORLD OF PEOPLE, Athens as the 2018 World Book Capital, AIA personal stories of the visitors of Athens, will
IMAGES AND STORIES WITH is actively participating in the celebration, come alive through the pens of famous Greek
ΑΙR PORT, ATHENS AND TR AVEL which will last for a year. In fact, in 2017 there writers, the subject being the airport, Athens
AS ITS SUBJECTS. / Η ΔΡΆΣΗ ΤΟΥ was the airport short novel “Lost & Found: and travel. Then, in the beginning of 2019,
ΔΑΑ #ATHENSAIRPORTRAITS ΜΑΣ An Athenian Story”, which became a short a book will be published, whose proceeds
ΑΠΟΓΕΙΏΝΕΙ ΣΕ ΈΝΑΝ ΚΌΣΜΟ film. Now, two more innovative initiatives are of sales will be channeled to the financing
ΕΙΚΌΝΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΏΝ, ΜΕ ΘΈΜΑ in progress. They’re #AthensAirPortraits and of humanitarian projects, providing one
ΤΟ ΑΕΡΟΔΡΟΜΙΟ, ΤΗΝ ΑΘΉΝΑ ΚΑΙ #HubOfStories. more proof that the airport is not just a
ΤΟ ΤΑΞΊΔΙ. So, to begin with #AthensAirPortraits! In hub of destinations, airlines and routes, but
the first weeks of 2018, the authors Thodoris it can also be a human centric hub, where
Today, airports are more than just travel Georgakopoulos and Stella Kazdagli meaningful ideas aim at solving real problems
hubs. They’re places that connect people, wandered around the AIA spaces, with a tape for particular groups of people.
portals of communication and sometimes, recorder and a camera, meeting random Σήμερα τα αεροδρόμια είναι κάτι
sources of inspiration. Athens International passengers that had their own small stories to παραπάνω από μεταφορικοί κόμβοι. Είναι
Airport, in total consistency with the idea and recount. The conclusion drawn from all the
essence of travel, goes deep into the travellers’ meetings was, “There are no boring people”.
narrations and stories and brings them to The short stories of the simple yet very
us in an innovative way. The goal is, with important in their own way people and their
the well-coordinated cooperation of all the unique personal portraits will form part of a
players in the tourism industry, to promote special “AirPortraits’ Digest” which will be
Athens as a top travel destination, showcasing initially communicated through social media
its different faces, so the foreign visitor can and will eventually be published and available
at the bookstores.
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