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P. 64
F E B -A PR 2018

NEVER ENDING STORY buy a SIM card at my destination, if outside there are so many countries to visit that
"I'd like to return in many cities... I have the EU, and use it to access the internet. It is it's not viable. Some cities I really love and
been to some more than once". / "Θα very rare to not be able to book a room for have visited more than once are Venice,
ήθελα να επιστρέψω σε πολλές πόλεις... the night on the same day since I don't need Amsterdam, Florence and Bruges, and some
σε κάποιες έχω πάει πάνω από μία φορά". many commodities, just a place to sleep. cities that I want to return to are Prague,
Favorite places Krakow, Brasov and Hallstatt.
64 Almost always at the end of a trip, I have Why do I travel?
the feeling that I would like to return, but It's my way of living; if I'm not traveling,
I don't feel alive. The knowledge we gain
through the contact with other cultures is
what fascinates me the most.
Unforgettable moments
Usually, I'm a very "unlucky" person. I
always have problems during my trips, but
those moments are the best stories to tell. I
remember that in my first 10 flights, only 2
went smoothly. I missed my first flight and
most of them were canceled due to weather
conditions, such as snow or volcanos. I
almost got arrested in Bucharest because I
was photographing a window in an Embassy
and my flight from Bratislava to Bergamo was
so delayed that when I arrived in Italy, there
was no train service to my accommodation
and I had to sleep on a bench outside
the train station. I love taking road trips;
sometimes I have to sleep in the car because
the accommodation is too far away from
what I want to photograph at sunrise. It is
those moments, being alone, enjoying the
sunrise at a beautiful location, that are the
most unforgettable.
Never been to Greece but I would love to
Good life
Doing what I like. I’m fortunate to be able to
do what I love the most.
Γιατί παράθυρα;
Αυτό που προσπαθώ να κατορθώσω στις
δουλειές μου δεν είναι το παράθυρο αυτό
καθαυτό, αλλά το αρχιτεκτονικό στοιχείο,
το οποίο, όταν ενσωματωθεί στο έργο, θα
μας δώσει μια βαθύτερη ματιά για το πώς
τοποθεσίες, όπως οι χώρες ή οι πόλεις,
μπορούν να διαφέρουν τόσο πολύ μεταξύ
τους. Χρησιμοποιώ πολλά αρχιτεκτονικά
στοιχεία, αλλά τo πιο τελειοποιημένο είναι
τα «Παράθυρα του Κόσμου». Πρόκειται
για ένα αντικείμενο, που συνήθως δεν
το προσέχουμε αρκετά, αλλά είναι τόσο
σημαντικό στην καθημερινότητά μας.
Η απαρχή
Άρχισα να ταξιδεύω στον κόσμο όταν
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