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P. 46
played by the artists and our audiences.
46 That there are going to be surprises
isn’t a surprise in itself. But what those
surprises are will be.
What's your favourite spot in Athens?
I often say that the best journey to make
is the journey home. When the plane

starts its descent and Athens comes into

view below, I always ask myself where

I'd send someone visiting the city for the

first time if I wanted them to fall for it at

first sight. In the end, I always come up

AFRODITI with the same answer, though it's not
a place as much as a walk—from the

PANAGIO- Onassis Library at the start of Dionysiou
Areopagitou, Hadrian's Gate and the

TAKOU Temple of Olympian Zeus down to the
State Museum of Contemporary Art and

RELEASE POTENTIALS the Onassis Cultural Centre. It's a route

that takes us 2,500 years. Because that's

Her work as Vice Director and as what Athens is like: wherever you tread,

Director of Communication and you're following in the footsteps of people

Marketing at the Onassis Cultural who walked the same routes down the

Centre has force and potential. millennia, from antiquity to the present

Το έργο της ως αναπληρώτρια day and forward into the future.

γενική διευθύντρια της Στέγης What does Athens need more of and

και διευθύντρια επικοινωνίας του less of, do you think?

Ιδρύματος Ωνάση έχει δύναμη και That changes from one moment to the

προοπτική. next. It is our needs and our desires

that determine what we have too much

Do you feel that the Onassis Cultural and too little of at any one time. But

Centre has fully integrated itself into Athens never comes up short—it always

Athens life? If so, how did it do it? surpasses itself and our feelings can

Releasing potential is what we set out never do the city justice. As I always say:

to do; it's our vision. We're part of this "We need to feel Athens!".

fascinating and eccentric capital city, Πιστεύετε ότι η Στέγη έχει ενταχθεί

but we feel like citizens of the world and επιτυχώς στην πολιτιστική ζωή της

act accordingly. So yes, we became part πόλης; Και αν ναι, μέσα από ποια

of the city's cultural landscape and we διαδικασία;

changed it in the process. Όραμα και δουλειά μας είναι η

That's not the whole picture, though, απελευθέρωση δυνάμεων. Είμαστε

as our interest extends beyond Athens’ κομμάτι της Αθήνας, αυτής της

cultural scene to embrace the city as ενδιαφέρουσας εκκεντρικής

a whole and its everyday life. That's πρωτεύουσας, αλλά αισθανόμαστε και ANDREAS SIMOPOULOS, OPOSITE BOTTOM: PANOS SMIRNIOTIS

what we've set our sights on. For us, λειτουργούμε ως πολίτες του κόσμου.

education and culture are the catalysts Ναι, ενταχθήκαμε και αλλάξαμε το

that can drive meaningful change. πολιτιστικό τοπίο. Το θέμα όμως

Should we be expecting any surprises δεν είναι μόνο η πολιτιστική ζωή,

from the Onassis Cultural Centre in αλλά η ζωή και η καθημερινότητά

the near future? μας συνολικά. Αυτό θέλουμε να

The Onassis Cultural Centre provides επηρεάζουμε. Για εμάς, ο καταλύτης

the springboard for a whole lot of των σημαντικών αλλαγών είναι η

stories. It's what we do. We invite artists παιδεία και ο πολιτισμός.

to create stories here on stage and Έχουμε να περιμένουμε από τη

downtown, as well as on stages and Στέγη κάποια έκπληξη προσεχώς;

streets in cities around the world. Every Η Στέγη είναι αφετηρία πολλών

good story has a surprise or two in store, ιστοριών. Αυτό κάνουμε. Καλούμε

mainly because its characters fascinate, τους καλλιτέχνες να δημιουργήσουν
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