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2board HEALTH




As the Scientific Director of the IVF ATHENS Is there a way to mitigate a possi- of the best choices for battling infertility. IVF Ath-
CENTER and according to your collective expe- ble unsuccessful outcome in IVF ens Center is proud to have successfully treated
rience, what are the critical factors that make a procedures? many incidents from abroad, which are a living
couple choose your fertility clinic? The best approach is to put in- proof of their excellent medical and overall ex-
We acknowledge that infertility is a challenge for to practice the most up-to-the- perience. We have to ensure a safe and pleasant
both our IVF team and the couple, scientifically and minute methods such as Intra- stay in combination with superior fertility care.
emotionally. This mutual effort is what fuels our cytoplasmic Morphologicallly- Egg Donation Programs: Are there any hidden
approach: we work closely with each patient and Selected Sperm Injection (IM- risks or complications that couples should be
develop a personalized treatment plan, respect- SI), Physiological ICSI (PICSI) aware of before they proceed?
ing their needs and leading them to the achieve- and Laser Assisted Hatching The decision to receive genetic material from a
ment of their goals. No “discounts”, no compro- (HA) and assess new ones that donor is a very sensitive issue that demands thor-
mises are made when it comes to service, scien- emerge from the latest scientific ough attention and examination. Our extensive
tific expertise and values. Our highest standards research. Our laboratory is apply- experience guarantees that all legal and health
of practice are depicted in the ISO Certification of ing a special system of microscop- related aspects are covered and there is anon-
our Embryology Laboratory, which is definitely an ic monitoring of the embryos (Time ymous and discreet handling of every patient or
additional reassurance for the couple. Lapse). In this way we constantly re- donor. Couples travelling from overseas will re-
IVF and age limitations: Are there any new tech- ceive updated information about embryo ceive, apart from meticulous therapeutic aid, an
niques able to break the barriers of age? development and the possibility of success- all-inclusive treatment including accommodation
Indeed the age of both men and women has al- ful implantation. In addition, Pre-implantation and transportation.
ways been a subject of controversy among the Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is the key method to elim-
assisted reproduction community. Postponing a inate chromosomal abnormalities and prevent INFO 5, Kifissias Ave., 15123, Marousi,
pregnancy for medical and personal reasons (eg genetic diseases or miscarriages. On top of that, Athens, Greece, 30 210 6859500-502
women diagnosed with cancer or women who pioneering in the field of Assisted Reproduction,
wish to have children later in life) is now possi- we are now testing the probability of an embryo
ble thanks to the cutting- edge procedures of Egg implantation, with the novel technique of quanti-
Cryopreservation and Vitrification. Think of it as a fying the Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).
way to “freeze time”! Oocytes and Blastocysts can Medical Tourism: a thriving business. What makes
be frozen using the latest technologies to give the Greece stand out as a destination?
chance of achieving pregnancy in the future with Greece offers a unique blend of natural beauty,
the reproductive potential of a patient’s
present self! Success rates using convenient location (an intersection be-
vitrified eggs and embryos are tween continents) history, diversity
equal and in some cases, and hospitality. Along with the
we gained even high- highest quality healthcare
er results. Also, the services and the favora-
use of the newest ble legal settings, it is
and most specific a perfect breeding
pharmaceutical ground for Health
protocols, tips the Tourism. Specifi-
balance in favor of cally for IVF proce-
everyone wishing dures, the compet-
to create a family, itive cost, the sky-
even at a later time. scraping success
rates and the min-
Dr. Vasilios Athanasiou, imization of waiting
M.D, Ph.D, Gynaecologist- Scientific time (no patients will
Director of the IVF Athens Center stumble upon a waiting
list) have made Greece one
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