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P. 34
reasons to



The home of the Renaissance... and the birthplace of pizza
is just inexhaustible. | Η ΠΑΤΡΙΔΑ της Αναγεννησhσ και της...

Before you say that you are already quite familiar begins with the enigma of the 17th century Palazzo Grand Canal and Basilica Santa pavel dudek /
with the birthplace of Michelangelo, the Renaissance Pisani Moretta. Although it houses a conservatory, Maria della Salute, Venice -
city of Florence, Milan’s La Scala and the Colosse- in 2006 the magnificent building also served as a Fredericus festival in Altamura
um in Rome, espresso stretto and Neapolitan piz- memorable location in the film Casino Royale. And city, near Bari | Το Μεγάλο Κανάλι
za, here are 20 more reasons for keeping Italy on after learning the year in which 007 battles a bad- και η Βασιλική Santa Maria della
your list of unexplored destinations. | Πριν πείτε ότι die in St. Mark’s Clocktower, check out the church of Salute στη Βενετία - Το φεστιβάλ
γνωρίζετε καλά τη χώρα του Μιχαήλ Άγγελου και της San Nicolo dei Mendicoli and the Palazzo Grimani. Fredericus γίνεται στην Αλταμούρα,
αναγεννησιακής Φλωρεντίας, του espresso stretto - In the historic district of Cannaregio, visit the Orsoni έξω από το Μπάρι
και της ναπολιτάνικης πίτσας, σας δίνουμε 20 ακό- smalti workshop, the only one of its kind in Venice,
μα λόγους για να πάτε ακόμα μία φορά στην Ιταλία. whose magnificent mosaics grace St. Paul’s Cathe-
dral in London, the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona
Venice and the Basilica of Sacre Coeur in Paris. The “Colour
Library” in particular startles with its infinite num-
Apart from romantic gondola rides, carnival masks ber of tones and shades (
in St. Mark’s Square and a vaporetto boat trip along - Watch an experienced craftsman blow glass at one
the Grand Canal, Venice offers plenty more to keep of the picturesque studios in the narrow streets of
your interest at a peak: the Murano islands.
- Follow in the footsteps of James Bond. Your mission

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