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P. 104
Jul-Sep | 13 Business Personal best


Peter Nomikos

Greece debt free

Founder oF Greece debt Free Foundation ταlks to 2board about his successFul eFForts and his
ambitious vision oF a new Greece, debt Free | Ο Ιδρυτής τΟυ φΟρέα «Greece debt Free» μΙλαέΙ ςτΟ
2board γΙα τΙς έπΙτυχήμένές πρΟςπαθέΙές καΙ τΟ φΙλΟδΟξΟ Οραμα τΟυ γΙα μΙα έλλαδα χωρΙς χρέΟς.

P eter Nomikos is a businessman from
Santorini, living and working in Lon-
don, Athens and USA. He is also owner
of Santozeum, founder of Volkan Beer
and founder operator of Greece Debt Free Inc. a
US non-profit with a Greek related charitable entity.
How did you come up with the idea of establish-
ing Greece Debt Free Inc.?
While in Santorini in 2011, I realized what great patri-
ots we Greeks are but also how little trust we have
for governments of the last decades. So I created a
non-profit, non-governmental, non-political foun-
dation that allows ordinary people to donate in or-
der to help buy and cancel Greek debt.
How is this going to happen?
Buying and canceling bonds should be the state’s job,
but government lacks financial ability. GDF strives to
be a transparent platform for a citizen led buy-back
of national debt. Reduce the debt and the crisis goes
away, jobs come back and Greece gets back on its
feet. GDF has no employees, is run by volunteers
and its operating costs are negligible. GDF also has
supporting products that donate part of their profits
to debt relief, such us Volkan beer. In developing it
we used the sommelier team from Gordon Ram-
sey’s Michelin star “Petrus” restaurant in London
and in May 2013 we won the Canadean “New Prod-
uct Innovation of the Year” award. As a GDF-certi-
fied brand, Volkan beer donates 50% of the value of
its profits to reduce national debt. Through Volkan, I
gave in face value €840,000 of Greek Government
Bonds to GDF. Including interest payments, this
represents a value of over €1,300,000.
Has there been positive feedback to GDF from

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