Page 106 - Ath Airport Profile






Page 106 - Ath Airport Profile
P. 106
From right, hippos under
our suite in the Singita
Lebombo Lodge - the
Kruger monument -
elephants in the wild |
Από αριστερά, ιπποπόταμοι
κάτω από την σουίτα μας
- Το μνημείο του Kruger -
Ζευγάρι ελεφάντων

the anticipation making every minute feel like a century, minor omission in my preparation served to highlight drive vehicle along a road with a 50 km/hour speed
I realise that no movie or story can properly prepare the most important lesson I learnt at Kruger Park: the limit accompanied by my wife, Evgnosia. Following a
you for the reality of Africa. savannah and its animals follow their own rhythms, short stop at the Kruger monument, dedicated to the
While Deirdre has her hands full, I catch a glimpse of the rhythms I am obliged to respect. We returned to the man who founded the park initially with the purpose
youngsters these giant mammals have been shielding from lodge clearly suffering from Stockholm syndrome, as of hunting wild animals but later for protecting them,
us all this time, always making sure they stand between our temporary kidnappers had obviously enthralled us. I arrived at the impressive Singita Lembobo for the
their young and us, the intruders. Forty minutes later “Mister Periklis, mister Periklis!” shouts Samuel. “Your first time. We were exhausted and decided to explore
the seige is lifted and the herd slowly begins to move adaptor is here!” Earlier that morning I realised in a the lodge and the savannah the following day, despite
away. These forty minutes were enough for me to re- panic that I needed a special adaptor to charge my the warm welcome we received upon arriving and
evaluate my entire outlook on western civilisation. camera batteries. Samuel’s voice is the second most the luxuriousness of our suite. Never in my life have I
Here you understand how unimportant your presence relieving experience of the day, following our liberation woken up so early with such enthusiasm! Missing my
is: both my travel companions on this safari and I are from the elephant siege. The third soon follows suit, as first safari to sleep in did not even cross my mind after
completely irrelevant to the rulers of this world, as long I immerse myself in a bathtub filled with mineral salts the reception informed us that there are two safaris
as we adhere to their rules. One of them is that nothing and superb essential oils. I lose myself in the noises daily: one at the crack of dawn and one very late in the
should stick out of the jeep window. A careless, abrupt the hippos make by the river just under our suite as I afternoon, as the animals are more active during those
movement with my lens and a slight jolt out of my seat watch the giraffes on the hillside move around ever so times. At 5 o’clock in the morning, after a nourishing
to capture a shot in time had initially caused the panic; slowly and gracefully. pre-breakfast, we boarded a specially formulated
my personal wildlife baptism of fire, despite only being I close my eyes for a couple of minutes and try to Land Rover with Deirdre, our chief ranger, Christoff,
on the second safari of the day. Late in the afternoon remember how I got to be here in the first place. Just our tracker and fellow travellers Rachel and Robert,
my camera battery, which I had not been able to charge yesterday I drove five hours from Nelspruit airport an American photographer and her lawyer husband.
before the safari, offers me the day’s final pictures. A crossing a large part of Kruger Park in a right-hand- Four hours were enough for the grandeur of Africa
to unfold right before our eyes; wonderful landscapes
106 where we came across numerous wild animals, from
wild buffaloes and lazy rhinos to elephants and super
crafty monkeys.
A giraffe outside my window abruptly woke me from
my thoughts. The Lebombo suite owes its charm to the
ease with which it encapsulates luxury in the heart of
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