Page 149 - AEROSTAT 2023






Page 149 - AEROSTAT 2023
P. 149

• The origin and destination of a light are deined according to the light’s irst origin/last
• A passenger’s origin/destination is deined according to the point of embarkation/

• Classiication into Intra/Extra-Schengen for passengers and lights is designated according
to the light’s last origin/irst stop.

• Geographical regions are deined per the ACI classiication.
• Transit Passengers are deined as passengers arriving to and departing from the Airport with
the same light number without leaving the Airport’s transit area (direct transit).
• Terminal Passengers are arriving and departing passengers, transit passengers excluded.

• All statistical traic data are measured in UTC and Land/Airborne times.
• Traic data for the Greek peripheral airports are based on the preliminary traic results per
the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA). The total number of Greece’s domestic lights
and passengers is double-counted (included in both the airport of origin and the destination

• Traic statistics on worldwide and European airports are per ACI World preliminary traic
results, based on data provided by more than 1,000 airports around the globe.


• The global outlook is based on the statistics and analysis issued by the International Air
Transport Association (IATA).
• AIA statistics are based on the submissions of the cargo handlers (cargo manifest data –
actual weight) and include inbound and outbound freight and mail traic handled (physical
or document handling) through the Airport’s cargo terminals. Freight refers to shipments
transported under an Air Waybill and includes express/courier freight. Mail refers to Hellenic
Post (ELTA) shipments. Cargo refers to the sum of freight and mail.

• Volumes transported by road freight to and/or from AIA (trucked cargo) are not included in
the oicial statistics (lown cargo) as per ACI guidelines.

• Transit/Transfer: freight transported via Athens to another destination in Greece or abroad
by air, by road, or a combination thereof. Volumes are included both in inbound and outbound
traic but are also quoted separately.

• Freighters' (cargo aircraft) uplift is included in the total volumes.
• The term ‘Integrators’ refers to the three main courier companies operating their aircraft, i.e.,
DHL Express, FedEx Express and UPS.
• The top 10 origin and destination airports from/to AIA are based on IATA’s Cargo IS.

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