Page 55 - Ath Airport Profile
P. 55

After four consecutive years of significant tourism the overall incoming tourist development, while
development through Athens International Airport, the volume of incoming tourists that used Athens
the first negative signs of the worldwide economic International Airport as a transfer point remained
crisis were apparent in 2008. More specifically, the almost stable at 682,450. Heraklion was again the
airport welcomed almost 3.4 million foreigners, first choice of transfer passengers with a significant
experiencing a decline of 3%. Among foreign growth rate of 13%, followed by Santorini (+4%)
residents, 2.2 million (65%) travelled to Athens on and Mykonos (+25%).
vacation, presenting a drop of 4%.
Incoming business traffic showed a healthy upward
Foreign residents originating from Asia/Pacific and trend in 2008. Foreign residents visiting Athens/
South America presented a positive development Greece on business were more by 5%, reaching
within 2008, with a 12% and 15% increase almost 980,000. Additionally, convention tourism
respectively. Europe, still holding the highest volume -a target segment for Greek tourism authorities
of foreign visitors to Athens (2.2 million foreigners), demonstrated an encouraging development of
presented only a 2% decrease. Among European +16%, with over 175,000 passengers this year.
residents, the British continued to hold the first The majority of them (74%) attended an event in
ranking position in terms of volume with 312,800 Athens, while approximately 46,000 transferred via
passengers, followed by the Germans with 276,451 Athens to another Greek business destination, such
passengers. Italian residents came third on the list, as Heraklion and Thessaloniki. The main originating
presenting an increase of 6%. The negative course countries for convention tourism in Greece were
of tourism in Athens was mainly driven by the the long distanced United States, followed by the
great decline of North American residents (-8%), United Kingdom and neighbouring Italy. Convention
especially United States inhabitants, who manifested delegates visiting Greece stayed 5 days on average.
a significant 9% drop; it is worth noting, however,
that Canadian citizens travelling to Athens remained Greek residents supported the international market
at the same level versus 2007. this year. Greeks that travelled to international
destinations were estimated at approximately
Focusing on foreign holidaymakers, Asia/Pacific was 1.9 million, while both business and leisure traffic
the only region that showed a notable improvement indicated noteworthy growth by 10% and 5%
in tourist arrivals (+12%). Australia, itself with a respectively.
considerable volume of tourists this year (114,623),
presented a growth rate of 5%. It is important Six out of ten Greek inhabitants travelled abroad on
though to mention that the volumes of Japanese holidays in 2008, and their favourite destinations
and Chinese tourists increased significantly in 2008, within Europe were the United Kingdom, Italy,
contributing almost 9,000 tourists each. Moreover, Cyprus and Germany. Greek travellers also favoured
South Korea and India have been included in the North America as a leisure market, as almost 55,000
countries experiencing the highest boost of tourists flew to the United States (+16%) and almost
in Athens this year. Despite a decrease in volume, US 10,000 to Canada, contributing to impressive
tourists remained at the top position of originating growth (+71%). Greek holidaymakers also enjoyed
countries, with 407,594 arrivals. In Western Europe, travelling East, with Jordan, Lebanon and Pakistan
the majority of the countries presented a decline in demonstrating the highest volume increase. The
tourists visiting Athens, apart from Portugal that average holiday time for Greeks was the same as
demonstrated a 15% increase, along with Italy and with foreigners, estimated at 15 days.
Spain, which remained at the 2007 levels.
Outgoing business traffic also indicated a positive
Regarding the tourist season, only 3 months of the performance, with Greeks travelling abroad for
year presented a positive performance in tourist business reaching 78,149. Italy was the most popular
arrivals. Despite a positive beginning with January business destination, trailed by Germany, the latter
demonstrating an impressive growth rate of 26%, being the only country presenting a decrease in the
the year ended with December suffering the sharpest course of 2008, while the majority of the European
decline by 37%. Of the peak summer months, June countries demonstrated a double-digit volume
and July experienced an important decrease, while increase. Travelling East, China presented impressive
August and September counterbalanced the negative growth with respect to Greek business travellers,
effect. counting more than 20,000. On average, Greek
travellers stayed 7 days abroad on business.
Passengers that preferred Attica and its catchment
area for holidays amounted to approximately 1.5
million, presenting a decline (-7%) and formulating
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