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4.18 Share capital

The issued Share Capital of the Company has been fully paid by the shareholders and comprises 0.000.000
ordinary shares of € 10 each amounting to € 00.000.000.

The shareholders’ interests are as follows: (percentage rates have been rounded to the nearest digit
decimal component)

2007 2006

Shareholders Issued Share Percent Issued Share Percent

Greek State 165.000.000 55,000% 165.000.000 55,000%
80.000.040 6,670% 79.65.060 6,54%
Hochtief Airport GmbH
Hochtief Airport Capital 40.000.00 1,% 40.000.000 1,%
GmbH Co. KgaA 0 0,000% 75.000 0,15%
1,999% 1.999%
Flughafen Athen-Spata GmbH 5.999.970 0,999% 5.999.970 0,999%
.999.990 0,999% .999.990 0,999%
Copelouzos Dimitrios .999.990 0,999% .999.990 0,999%
.999.990 .999.990
Copelouzou Kiriaki 300.000.000 100,00% 300.000.000 100,00%

Copelouzos Christos

Copelouzou Eleni-Asimina
Total shareholders’ interests

4.19 Statutory & other reserves

Under Greek Corporate Law it is mandatory to transfer 5% of the net after tax annual profits to form the
legal reserve, which is used to offset any accumulated losses. The creation of the legal reserve ceases to be
compulsory when the balance of the legal reserve reaches 1/ of the registered share capital.

At 1 December 007 the Company’s legal reserve increased by an amount of €4.698.85 (006: €.01.70)
and amounted to €1.59.59 (006:€7.89.686).

In addition, there is a reserve, remaining from the distribution of tax preference income, amounting to €

Also, as at 1 December 007 the Company recognised a fair value gain net of tax amounting to €608.8
resulting from the re-measurement of an available for sale financial asset at its fair value (refer further to
note 4.1)

Analysis of other reserves 2007 Movement 2006

Statutory reserves 1.59.59 4.698.85 7.89.686
AFS reserves 608.8 608.8 0
Other reserves 7.5 0
Totals 7.5
13.208.355 5.307.136 7.901.219

4.20 Retained earnings

In accordance with Greek Corporate Law, companies are required each year, to declare dividends of at
least 5% of after tax profits, after allowing for the legal reserve, or a minimum 6% of the fully paid share
capital, whichever is greater.

In addition, the prevailing bank loan agreements impose specific conditions for the permitted dividend
distribution, which have been fulfilled since 00 when the Company was in the financial position to
distribute dividends.

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