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P. 74
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Greece. THE BEGINNING WELCOME THE NEW YEAR WITH
The weather is currently clear and the ground The first conferences ever
temperature will approach the appropriate took place in Delphi. Below, A NEW WORD THAT DESCRIBES
degrees Celsius to bridge the connection the Delphic Festival in 1927.
between your business and leisure travel." Τα πρώτα συνέδρια έγιναν THE BOOM IN BUSINESS TRAVEL IN
And... just like that, armed with natural στους Δελφούς. Κάτω, οι
beauty, mild winter and summer weath- Δελφικές Γιορτές το 1927. THE COUNTRY THAT GAVE BIRTH
er and, of course, with infrastructure that
becomes continuously more complete, of- TO THE IDEA OF CONFERENCES:
fering high quality services and hospitali- a political one, in the form that the Federa-
ty, Greece welcomes people from all cor- tions have today. The most important Am- BLEISURE. IN OTHER WORDS,
ners of the earth and enters 2024 with the phictyony of antiquity was that of Delphi,
most promising story for Business / Con- which was called Pylae. Soon, the Amphic- BUSINESS AND LEISURE!
ference Tourism. tyonies gained great political influence, di-
But before we look at all the facts on which rectly affecting the intellectual and historical ΎΠΌΔΕΧΤΕΙΤΕ ΤΗ ΝΕΑ ΧΡΌΝΙΑ
the above optimistic reality is based, let us life of the Greeks. Twelve peoples - among
take a brief look back at the origins of con- them the Boeotians, the Dorians, the Ion- ΜΕ ΜΙΑ ΝΕΑ ΛΕΞΗ Η ΌΠΌΙΑ
ferences, because actually, Greece also his- ians, the Phocians and the Thessalians, i.e.
torically holds the trademark that today we almost all of Greece - participated in the ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΕΚΡΗΞΗ ΤΩΝ
call "Conference Tourism". Amphictyonic Congress, which was held
The idea of conferences began with the fa- twice a year: In the autumn at Anthele near ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΤΑΞΙΔΙΩΝ ΣΤΗ
mous Delphic Amphictyony in Ancient Thermopylae and at Delphi in the spring .
Greece. Amphictyonies, of course, were In short, the Amphictyonies were the first ΧΩΡΑ ΠΌΎ ΓΕΝΝΗΣΕ ΤΗΝ ΙΔΕΑ ΤΩΝ
also held earlier in many central sanctuar- attempt to unite different peoples, through
ies of the country, where the inhabitants of conferences and the exchange of views by ΣΎΝΕΔΡΙΩΝ: BLEISURE. ΔΗΛΑΔΗ,
the surrounding cities gathered and offered the speakers. With the passage of time, they
sacrifices to the gods, communicated the were replaced by the Commons and by the BUSINESS AND LEISURE!
news of their social and political daily life Confederacies and, if we want to bring them
and - through an exchange of views - de- into modern times, it is obvious that the So-
cided on the observance of inviolable rules, ciety of Nations and the UN have exactly
which were checked at the next Amphicty- the same pattern.
ony. Thus, gradually, what was originally a Teleporting from ancient to modern Greece,
religious association was transformed into in 1927, the poet Angelos Sikelianos and his by Stefanos Philippas
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Greece. THE BEGINNING WELCOME THE NEW YEAR WITH
The weather is currently clear and the ground The first conferences ever
temperature will approach the appropriate took place in Delphi. Below, A NEW WORD THAT DESCRIBES
degrees Celsius to bridge the connection the Delphic Festival in 1927.
between your business and leisure travel." Τα πρώτα συνέδρια έγιναν THE BOOM IN BUSINESS TRAVEL IN
And... just like that, armed with natural στους Δελφούς. Κάτω, οι
beauty, mild winter and summer weath- Δελφικές Γιορτές το 1927. THE COUNTRY THAT GAVE BIRTH
er and, of course, with infrastructure that
becomes continuously more complete, of- TO THE IDEA OF CONFERENCES:
fering high quality services and hospitali- a political one, in the form that the Federa-
ty, Greece welcomes people from all cor- tions have today. The most important Am- BLEISURE. IN OTHER WORDS,
ners of the earth and enters 2024 with the phictyony of antiquity was that of Delphi,
most promising story for Business / Con- which was called Pylae. Soon, the Amphic- BUSINESS AND LEISURE!
ference Tourism. tyonies gained great political influence, di-
But before we look at all the facts on which rectly affecting the intellectual and historical ΎΠΌΔΕΧΤΕΙΤΕ ΤΗ ΝΕΑ ΧΡΌΝΙΑ
the above optimistic reality is based, let us life of the Greeks. Twelve peoples - among
take a brief look back at the origins of con- them the Boeotians, the Dorians, the Ion- ΜΕ ΜΙΑ ΝΕΑ ΛΕΞΗ Η ΌΠΌΙΑ
ferences, because actually, Greece also his- ians, the Phocians and the Thessalians, i.e.
torically holds the trademark that today we almost all of Greece - participated in the ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΕΚΡΗΞΗ ΤΩΝ
call "Conference Tourism". Amphictyonic Congress, which was held
The idea of conferences began with the fa- twice a year: In the autumn at Anthele near ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΤΑΞΙΔΙΩΝ ΣΤΗ
mous Delphic Amphictyony in Ancient Thermopylae and at Delphi in the spring .
Greece. Amphictyonies, of course, were In short, the Amphictyonies were the first ΧΩΡΑ ΠΌΎ ΓΕΝΝΗΣΕ ΤΗΝ ΙΔΕΑ ΤΩΝ
also held earlier in many central sanctuar- attempt to unite different peoples, through
ies of the country, where the inhabitants of conferences and the exchange of views by ΣΎΝΕΔΡΙΩΝ: BLEISURE. ΔΗΛΑΔΗ,
the surrounding cities gathered and offered the speakers. With the passage of time, they
sacrifices to the gods, communicated the were replaced by the Commons and by the BUSINESS AND LEISURE!
news of their social and political daily life Confederacies and, if we want to bring them
and - through an exchange of views - de- into modern times, it is obvious that the So-
cided on the observance of inviolable rules, ciety of Nations and the UN have exactly
which were checked at the next Amphicty- the same pattern.
ony. Thus, gradually, what was originally a Teleporting from ancient to modern Greece,
religious association was transformed into in 1927, the poet Angelos Sikelianos and his by Stefanos Philippas