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MARKETING, KONSTANTINA our real jewellery pieces marks a real moment.
POLYCHRONOPOULOU, REVEALS THE How is the jewellery made? Is it
THE UNIQUE JEWELLERY. The vast majority of our jewellery is made
ΜΕ ΑΦΟΡΜΗ ΤΟ ΝΕΟ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΗΜΑ by hand. The workshops with which
ΤΗΣ LI-LA-LO ΣΤΟΝ ΔΑΑ, Η we collaborate combine the traditional
ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΗ MARKETING ΤΟΥ techniques of silversmithing and
ΑΓΑΠΗΜΕΝΟΥ BRAND, ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΑ goldsmithing with the modern methods
ΠΟΛΥΧΡΟΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, ΜΑΣ ΞΕΝΑΓΕΙ provided by technology. This allows us to
ΣΤΑ ΜΥΣΤΙΚΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΠΙΤΥΧΙΑΣ offer a unique, highly aesthetic product that
ΑΥΤΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΤΟΣΟ ΞΕΧΩΡΙΣΤΩΝ stands the test of time and has the additional
ΚΟΣΜΗΜΑΤΩΝ. advantage of exceptional comfort in use. For
example, our large silver earrings, despite
Interview: Stefanos Philippas their impressive size, carry very little weight,
so they can be worn by women all day long
without a problem.
| What are the design characteristics that
Everyone is familiar with Li-LA-LO, but I would say the fact that it is real jewellery. make Li-LA-LO creations stand out?
only very few know the meaning of the We work exclusively with noble metals (925 The main characteristic is diversity. We have
acronym from which its name originates, sterling silver and gold) as well as precious and various collections that cater to different
nor the course of the brand over 23 years. semi-precious stones. Rejecting the chaotic styles, moods and occasions. But the
Can you illuminate us? world of fast fashion accessories, we instead common denominator is dynamism and
Li-LA-LO stands for Live – Laugh – Love, underline the timeless value of the jewellery femininity. We are, of course, in line with the
which from the outset shaped the identity of piece, the worth of the noble metal, and the latest fashion trends. This year, for example,
a company that each day celebrates life, joy beauty of the precious or semi-precious stone we paid a tribute to pink sapphire which is
and affection. It is a purely Greek company that comes from deep within the earth. And an international trend, but we also like to
that collaborates with small, traditional because Li-LA-LO is a company guided by create our own. For instance, in autumn this
workshops mainly in European countries. In principles of openness and democracy, which year, when we combined layers of chains
all the years since its establishment, Li-LA-LO cares about society and embraces all those with pearls. We also place great emphasis
has steadily supported and promoted young wishing to treat themselves or loved ones to on gemstones. We love the colour, energy
Greek designers and jewellery makers. Over something precious, we make every effort and vitality of mineral gemstones such as
two decades, numerous collections featuring to ensure that a wide variety of jewellery is emerald, ruby, sapphire, amethyst, malachite
different designs and styles have put their affordable to the average consumer. In this and topaz in all their hues, which lift our
own stamp on the look of the modern Greek way, we manage to accompany every moment mood and elevate our appearance.
woman. in life. From the simple, everyday earring If you had to single out certain creations,
There are many attributes that we could use to the iconic solitaire, and from the boho which three are you particularly fond of?
to describe the jewellery of Li-LA-LO. But in necklace with gemstones for that laid-back That’s a difficult question. But if I had to, I
your opinion, which is the most unique and summer evening to the diamond pendant that would probably choose the Secret Garden
fully representative? is perfect for the graduation ceremony, each of collection for its imaginative combination
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