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P. 72
Readers now have modern
means at their disposal.
Οι αναγνώστες έχουν τώρα
σύγχρονα τεχνολογικά
μέσα στη διάθεσή τους.
bindings, created with sensitive paper, THE ΝΕW
marbles glues, etc. This precious treasure DESIGN
requires restorative cleaning, preventative In comparison to the
maintenance, the isolation of documents classic Vallianeio, the
with fungal infections, the scanning of new modern space of
covers, the cataloguing and entering of the National Library is
documents in the new electronic database, designed to welcome
as well as content identification and visitors offering a cozy
radiolabeling. environment. / Σε σχέση
The new building of the National Library με το κλασικό Βαλλιάνειο,
has been designed with a view for at least ο νέος μοντέρνος χώρος
the next twenty years, since the existing της Εθνικής Βιβλιοθήκης
bookshelves can accommodate double the είναι σχεδιασμένος για
actual number of books. In fact, the floor να υποδέχεται το κοινό
has been specially constructed to support προσφέροντας ένα
heavy loads, for the eventual creation of new φιλόξενο περιβάλλον.
storage units for books and documents.
The relocation of the National Library also
holds semiological importance, since this is
a transition not only to a modern building,
but also to a new era!
The Library’s main feature is the imposing
glass Book Tower, which reaches a height
of 18 metres and features a square façade.
Surrounded by a system of light balconies
and bookshelves, the tower itself hosts two
reading rooms. Most of the books in the
National Library collection will kept in the
four levels of the Tower but will only be
accessible to the library’s staff, who thanks
to modern technology, will be able to locate
the document (book or magazine) that users
would like to consult.
Readers now have modern
means at their disposal.
Οι αναγνώστες έχουν τώρα
σύγχρονα τεχνολογικά
μέσα στη διάθεσή τους.
bindings, created with sensitive paper, THE ΝΕW
marbles glues, etc. This precious treasure DESIGN
requires restorative cleaning, preventative In comparison to the
maintenance, the isolation of documents classic Vallianeio, the
with fungal infections, the scanning of new modern space of
covers, the cataloguing and entering of the National Library is
documents in the new electronic database, designed to welcome
as well as content identification and visitors offering a cozy
radiolabeling. environment. / Σε σχέση
The new building of the National Library με το κλασικό Βαλλιάνειο,
has been designed with a view for at least ο νέος μοντέρνος χώρος
the next twenty years, since the existing της Εθνικής Βιβλιοθήκης
bookshelves can accommodate double the είναι σχεδιασμένος για
actual number of books. In fact, the floor να υποδέχεται το κοινό
has been specially constructed to support προσφέροντας ένα
heavy loads, for the eventual creation of new φιλόξενο περιβάλλον.
storage units for books and documents.
The relocation of the National Library also
holds semiological importance, since this is
a transition not only to a modern building,
but also to a new era!
The Library’s main feature is the imposing
glass Book Tower, which reaches a height
of 18 metres and features a square façade.
Surrounded by a system of light balconies
and bookshelves, the tower itself hosts two
reading rooms. Most of the books in the
National Library collection will kept in the
four levels of the Tower but will only be
accessible to the library’s staff, who thanks
to modern technology, will be able to locate
the document (book or magazine) that users
would like to consult.