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and imagination, I continued dreaming, and met the descendants of Alexander the
I combated compromise and in several Great’s soldiers in Afghanistan and North
instances I overcame my mental and Pakistan. Reliving Alexander’s route is the
physical limits... trip that I fervently want to repeat, because
Would you want your son to follow in travelling in the footsteps of Alexander
your footsteps? the Great, the footsteps of history, is
To pursue his dreams on the roads of the incredible...
world on a motorcycle? Why not? Two- After all that, what countries have
wheel trips are singular life voyages, that remained in your heart?
generously offer inclusive experiences, India, Iran, Syria, Ethiopia... Places
challenges, authenticity, adventure and “marked” by millennia of history, now
open up knew paths to knowledge. comprising a kaleidoscope of cultural and
A trip or trips that you would like to religious elements. Here, I’ve also met
repeat and why? hospitality, cordiality as well as the harsh
Riding my own iron Bucephalus in 2001, everyday life of simple people with great
I revived the glorious route of Alexander hearts and rich emotions.
the Great, on a 28,500 kilometre trek. I The next trip?
found myself on the battlegrounds of Issus With my 11 year old son riding with me,
and Gaugamela, I approached Persepolis, we’re preparing for the “2 GENERATIONS’
I felt the hot breath of the Gedrosia desert RIDE” next April. It’ll be a trip to the heart
and imagination, I continued dreaming, and met the descendants of Alexander the
I combated compromise and in several Great’s soldiers in Afghanistan and North
instances I overcame my mental and Pakistan. Reliving Alexander’s route is the
physical limits... trip that I fervently want to repeat, because
Would you want your son to follow in travelling in the footsteps of Alexander
your footsteps? the Great, the footsteps of history, is
To pursue his dreams on the roads of the incredible...
world on a motorcycle? Why not? Two- After all that, what countries have
wheel trips are singular life voyages, that remained in your heart?
generously offer inclusive experiences, India, Iran, Syria, Ethiopia... Places
challenges, authenticity, adventure and “marked” by millennia of history, now
open up knew paths to knowledge. comprising a kaleidoscope of cultural and
A trip or trips that you would like to religious elements. Here, I’ve also met
repeat and why? hospitality, cordiality as well as the harsh
Riding my own iron Bucephalus in 2001, everyday life of simple people with great
I revived the glorious route of Alexander hearts and rich emotions.
the Great, on a 28,500 kilometre trek. I The next trip?
found myself on the battlegrounds of Issus With my 11 year old son riding with me,
and Gaugamela, I approached Persepolis, we’re preparing for the “2 GENERATIONS’
I felt the hot breath of the Gedrosia desert RIDE” next April. It’ll be a trip to the heart