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What will be the next big experiment and with
There is plan for a next experiment designed
THE GREEK PROFESSOR OF PARTICLE PHYSICS AT NATIONAL and personally participate through a team
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS WORKS IN CERN FOR 35 YEARS engineers and physicists. It is the upgrade of the
ΣΩΜΑΤΙΔΙΑΚΗΣ ΦΥΣΙΚΉΣ ΣΤΟ ΕΜΠ ΕΡΓΆΖΕΤΑΙ ΣΤΟ CERN ΕΠΊ 35 ΧΡΌΝΙΑ beam intensity, unique worldwide, called High
ΕΡΕΥΝΏΝΤΑΣ ΤΟ ΑΤΕΛΕΙΩΤΟ ΣΎΜΠΑΝ. Interview: Ira Sinigalia Luminosity (HL- LHC). This upgrade of the LHC,
and the relative upgrade of the experiments
What are the major technological achievements several cases I felt with other colleagues new (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHC_B) that make up the JOHN DIMOTSIS
at CERN that have an impact on society? found real happiness after a successful event. I whole of the experiment, are intended to discover
The technology developed at CERN, was a note a few: rare phenomena of particle physics that require
prerequisite for achieving the objectives of the The moment, when all Greek muon detection several hundred hours of operation, as well as
research objectives for particle physics. In parallel, chambers were settled in the ATLAS experiment particles of supersymmetry, which would explain
numerous applications have been developed at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), about the the composition of dark matter.
that improve the human living level. Among end of 2006, after a collaborative effort of three In 2016, after 100 years of Einstein's prediction,
them, quite indicatively: World wide web – www, universities: Athens, Thessaloniki and Technical gravitational waves have been discovered. What
Medical imaging scans (CT, PET/CT), medical University of Athens, a design work, construction changed with this discovery?
radioisotopes, cancer treatment with beams and installation, which lasted a total of 10 years. It is very significant the discovery of gravitational
of protons and carbon ions: Hadron Therapy, The moment when the Large Hadron Collider waves, which was expected from the
complex software-application development (LHC) operated at the unique overall system experimental infrustructures were designed
in human diseases (Alzheimer's) or natural energy of 7 TeV (March 2010). We then took the and completed the installation in 2015. The
disaster prediction (hurricanes, floods), advanced first new physics data in the ATLAS experiment. discovery completely confirms Einstein's Theory
electronic and automatic control systems, The moment it was announced the awarding of Relativity.
advanced materials, superconducting magnets. of the Nobel Prize in Physics (October 2013) to What does mean Greece to you?
Tell us a significant moment for you that you lived Francois Englert and Peter Higgs, on the concpet Greece is my country, which in addition to its
at CERN. of their exceptional theoretical work in 1965(!) and unique status as the cradle of Western civilization,
In my continuous participation to the research the experimental discovery of the Higgs boson by presents great boom in the last 100 years in
activities at CERN, for almost 35 years there are the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. development of sciences, despite the enormous
financial and other problems faced and is facing.
104 Today, Greece's heavy industry is the university
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