Page 49 - teyxos_13






Page 49 - teyxos_13
P. 49
The father of contemporary integrated architecture and ple. Therefore, the vernacular architecture is a clev-
bioclimatic design, Barcelona-born Javier Barba, speaks er guide for the creation of harmonic, emotionally
exclusively to 2board on the occasion of the launch satisfying and comfortable buildings which link their
of his book. | Ο «πατέρας» της occupants with the natural environment inspiring a
σύγχρονης πράσινης αρχιτεκτονικής και του βιοκλιματικού feeling of wellbeing”.
σχεδιασμού, ο Ισπανός αρχιτέκτονας Javier Barba, μιλάει It sounds simple and yet it must be extremely compli-
στο 2board με αφορμή την κυκλοφορία ενός νέου βιβλίου cated to take into consideration all these parameters,
με έργα του, που τιτλοφορείται especially for an architect with a versatile portfolio
around the world. How does he cope? “I travel a lot”,
Interview by Elena Siampou he says. Javier Barba is a restless hunter of perfection
exploiting all that nature has to offer, starting with
I met Javier Barba at the Theoxenia Palace privilege of meeting several legendary architects from the inspiration offered by a particular landscape to
on a Saturday afternoon, about a month af- an early age, such as Alvar Aalto, Kenzo Tange and the materials found in abundance in the area, while
ter the official launch of his latest book and Louis Kant to mention just a few. This reminds me taming its natural forces through careful orientation
less than a week after we first spoke over of Woody Allen’s latest movie, “Midnight in Paris”, and exploitation of solar and geothermic energy. He
the phone. Our conversations always end- where a young author meets his greatest idols all in is a dedicated supporter of encouraging respect to-
ed with him happily saying goodbye in Greek and I one night. With the exception that Javier Barba met wards the environment. That is why he says: “When
soon realized it was no coincidence that he has de- them in real life. you see a rock, don’t remove it”. In fact, one of his
signed more than 15 astonishing houses in Greece. While I contemplate this, his interest is diverted to a most impressive houses in Mykonos (page 50) in-
When I saw him, he kissed me on the cheek as if we copy of the book he brought with him and he spon- tegrates a big rock that was found on the property
were old acquaintances meeting again after a long taneously opens it to show me his projects. They are into the living room, thus creating a wonderful am-
time. At first slightly perplexed by his Spanish-ac- indeed the most eloquent way to summarize his vi- bience while also bringing its residents in close con-
cented English, I couldn’t help but notice a power- sion. From his first bioclimatic house back in the 80s tact with nature.
ful mixture of confidence and enthusiasm. The usu- to his current development project in Qatar near However the most impressive example of complete
al few minutes to break the ice just didn’t exist with Doha (not included in the book), there is one com- self sufficiency is manifested in the architect’s private
Javier Barba. I can’t decide whether it is the result of mon denominator: “the green philosophy”. What house (page 51), thanks to the use of materials found
his vivid temperament or his tenacity about his work. drove him to this path, I ask. He seems surprised in the area, the correct orientation of the building
He is proud both of his heritage (“I am the fourth by the question: “It is just common sense. People and careful bioclimatic design, as well as the use of
generation of great architects”) and his legacy (“the use terms such as green or bioclimatic to make it photovoltaic panels. Now he is up for the challenge
fifth generation”, represented by his sons – Gabriel, sound more sophisticated, but in fact what I do is to build a mansion in Doha with zero carbon emis-
an architect himself and Jordi, a landscape design dictated by the location, the landscape, the nature sions. “Even the materials we use must not come
expert). It is obvious that he is also grateful for his and the climate. It is, after all, much better to work from more than 80 km away, while we also need to
good fortune. Thanks to his father, famous architect with nature, than against it. The historic, traditional work with the bioclimatic conditions and use re-
Francisco Juan Barba Corsini, he enjoyed the unique buildings in the area are consistent with this princi- newable energy resources”, he says, his eyes radiat-
ing at the mere thought of the challenging task that
awaits. If anyone can do it, that person is Javier Bar-
ba. The first and most dedicated herald of architec-
ture’s greenest era.

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