Page 42 - exofilo_gr
P. 42
05. Our Environment

Chart 5.5 Sewage Treatment Plant: During 2012, the
Recycling Breakdown of Non-Hazardous Waste in 2012 STP treated 262,879 m3 of sewage.

Construction & Other recyclables An Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility (IWTF)
demolition waste 0,9% 0.2% operating on site accepts wastewater primarily from the
technical bases of airlines, but also from other sources.
Sludge STP 9,6% Paper
Organic waste 46.6% Industrial Wastewater Treatment: During
2012, the IWTF treated 2,466 m3 of industrial
Edible Oils 7.8% wastewater.
In order to raise awareness, AIA encourages all airport
Aluminium users to limit the water consumption when using
0.9% restrooms and kitchen facilities.

Tetra Pak 5.7 Biodiversity
AIA aims to maintain sustainable development of
Wood 7.7% aviation and non-aviation activities in accordance
with best practices for business and preservation of
Plastic the local biodiversity. Since airport operations affect,
17.7% directly and indirectly, both the natural and the
human-influenced ecosystems of the wider area, AIA
Glass Metal 4.9% continuously monitor the status of the local ecosystems
2.8% through a dedicated bio-monitoring programme.

*AIA began recycling sludge from the STP to create compost in mid-2011, A team of AIA specialists monitor and record wildlife
while construction and demolition. while taking measures to reduce the risk of aircraft
bird strikes. Furthermore, the program of trapping and
Recycling: The amount of waste recycled increased relocating raptors launched in 2009, was successfully
from 174 tonnes (3% of total solid non-hazardous extended. To this end, the number of different species
waste) in 2001 to 4,677 tonnes in 2012 (53% of total of birds spotted in the airport vicinity has increased in
solid non-hazardous waste). This figure includes 5.8 recent years, indicating the health of the local ecosystem.
tonnes of recyclable materials that airport employees
brought to our Recycling Centre. Biodiversity: Through 2012, 192 species of
birds have been recorded in the vicinity of the
Our commit ment to recycling is complemented by airport.
our use of recycled materials for our everyday work
needs, such as recycled paper for stationery use and AIA continues the successful partnership with the
corporate correspondence. In parallel, for various Hellenic Ornithological Society to protect and promote
corporate administrative tasks (contract review, the Vravrona Wetland, a local site of unique ecological
expense claims, etc.) electronic workflows (e-forms) value that belongs to the Natura 2000 Network. The
have been developmed. Furthermore, we encourage following actions were implemented in 2012:
our partners to develop related environmentally-
friendly business practices. • Removal of inert material from specific areas of the
5.6 Water and Wastewater
• Maintenance of existing footpaths, signs, vegetation
We systematically monitor water consumption (potable and fencing.
and irrigation), as well as the quality of surface and
groundwater. In addition, we implement a number • Monitoring of bird populations in the wetland.
of water-saving measures, such as the use of treated • Publication of a leaflet with information about the
wastewater from the Sewage Treatment Plant for
irrigation of non-public green areas at the airport. wetland for the visitors.
The water supply network is also closely monitored to • Environmental presentations to schools and nature
identify and respond to possible leaks.
clubs in Vravrona.
AIA is one of very few airports worldwide that operates
its own STP.

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