Page 39 - exofilo_gr
P. 39
REPORT 201 2
5.2 Climate Change To date, AIA has demonstrated a 17% reduction in its
carbon footprint between 2005 and 2012, corresponding
Climate Change is a priority element of AIA’s sustainability to a reduction of approximately 11,300 tonnes of CO2,
strategy. the equivalent of planting 1.8 mio trees. In addition to
continuing to reducing its own carbon footprint, AIA
We aim to measure and manage greenhouse gas has been taking steps to involve the broader airport
emissions under our direct control. community by encouraging its business partners to map
their carbon emissions.
We continued our active participation in the global
initiative “Earth Hour” on March 31, 2012, shutting down Chart 5.2
one of the two airport runways and reducing lighting AIA’s 2012 Carbon Footprint
in all buildings, staff parking areas and other airport
areas. These symbolic actions were also accompanied by 2012 data (*) CO2 Emissions
informative public announcements. (tonnes)
AIA’s Climate Change Corporate Action Plan, in its fifth Grid Electricity 56,443,188 kWh 51,166 (*)
year of implementation, had the following results in 2012: Natural Gas 1,330,131 Nm3 2,794
Vehicle Fleet
• Additional modifications made in the air conditioning 188,245 lt of gasoline 428
as well as lighting systems in MTB to achieve further Stationary Sources 397,248 lt of diesel 1,063
reductions in electricity consumption. 17,305 lt of LPG
TOTAL 44,504 lt of diesel 28
• Light-Emitting Diode (LED) technology was successfully 119
piloted in MTB signage. 28,695 lt of heating oil 73
• AIA’s 8MW Photovoltaic Park completed its first full 55,671
year of energy production. In addition, AIA continues to
investigate the potential exploitation of other alternative 5.3 Air Quality
sources of energy.
Air quality and meteorological conditions both
• 4 new, more environmental-friendly buses delivered to inside the airport fence and within the surrounding
replace part of AIA’s current fleet of diesel buses. communities are monitored by AIA. Emissions of air
pollutants from all relevant airport sources are assessed
• 6,000 m2 of land planted in various airport areas, while measures are taken to reduce these emissions
consequently the 5-year target set in 2008 of planting where possible.
50,000 m2 between 2008 and 2012 has been achieved.
AIA’s monitoring equipment includes an Air Quality
• Recycling rate reached 53%, achieving AIA’s long-term Monitoring Network (AQMN), a Differential Optical
target set in 2008 to reach the 50% by 2012. Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) system, a SOnic
Detection and Ranging (SODAR) system, a Radio
• Finally, additional paper-based corporate forms and Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) and a Meteorological
procedures were converted to electronic format. Station.
Airport Carbon Accreditation The AQMN, which consists of 5 permanent monitoring
stations installed in the Municipalities of Glyka Nera,
AIA participates in a voluntary initiative led by the Koropi, Markopoulo, Pallini and Spata, and 1 mobile
European region of Airports Council International (ACI station, has been in operation since 1998, well before the
Europe) aimed at managing greenhouse gas emissions airport began operating. Ground-level concentrations of
under the control of airport operators. AIA is currently the major pollutants (NOΧ, O3, PM10, PM2.5, SO2, CO and
accredited at Level 2 (Reduction) of Airport Carbon HCs), as well as basic meteorological parameters (wind
Accreditation and has set the following long-term goal: speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity,
precipitation, total solar radiation and atmospheric
a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions pressure), are measured.
under AIA’s direct control
by 2020 using 2005 as a baseline year
REPORT 201 2
5.2 Climate Change To date, AIA has demonstrated a 17% reduction in its
carbon footprint between 2005 and 2012, corresponding
Climate Change is a priority element of AIA’s sustainability to a reduction of approximately 11,300 tonnes of CO2,
strategy. the equivalent of planting 1.8 mio trees. In addition to
continuing to reducing its own carbon footprint, AIA
We aim to measure and manage greenhouse gas has been taking steps to involve the broader airport
emissions under our direct control. community by encouraging its business partners to map
their carbon emissions.
We continued our active participation in the global
initiative “Earth Hour” on March 31, 2012, shutting down Chart 5.2
one of the two airport runways and reducing lighting AIA’s 2012 Carbon Footprint
in all buildings, staff parking areas and other airport
areas. These symbolic actions were also accompanied by 2012 data (*) CO2 Emissions
informative public announcements. (tonnes)
AIA’s Climate Change Corporate Action Plan, in its fifth Grid Electricity 56,443,188 kWh 51,166 (*)
year of implementation, had the following results in 2012: Natural Gas 1,330,131 Nm3 2,794
Vehicle Fleet
• Additional modifications made in the air conditioning 188,245 lt of gasoline 428
as well as lighting systems in MTB to achieve further Stationary Sources 397,248 lt of diesel 1,063
reductions in electricity consumption. 17,305 lt of LPG
TOTAL 44,504 lt of diesel 28
• Light-Emitting Diode (LED) technology was successfully 119
piloted in MTB signage. 28,695 lt of heating oil 73
• AIA’s 8MW Photovoltaic Park completed its first full 55,671
year of energy production. In addition, AIA continues to
investigate the potential exploitation of other alternative 5.3 Air Quality
sources of energy.
Air quality and meteorological conditions both
• 4 new, more environmental-friendly buses delivered to inside the airport fence and within the surrounding
replace part of AIA’s current fleet of diesel buses. communities are monitored by AIA. Emissions of air
pollutants from all relevant airport sources are assessed
• 6,000 m2 of land planted in various airport areas, while measures are taken to reduce these emissions
consequently the 5-year target set in 2008 of planting where possible.
50,000 m2 between 2008 and 2012 has been achieved.
AIA’s monitoring equipment includes an Air Quality
• Recycling rate reached 53%, achieving AIA’s long-term Monitoring Network (AQMN), a Differential Optical
target set in 2008 to reach the 50% by 2012. Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) system, a SOnic
Detection and Ranging (SODAR) system, a Radio
• Finally, additional paper-based corporate forms and Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) and a Meteorological
procedures were converted to electronic format. Station.
Airport Carbon Accreditation The AQMN, which consists of 5 permanent monitoring
stations installed in the Municipalities of Glyka Nera,
AIA participates in a voluntary initiative led by the Koropi, Markopoulo, Pallini and Spata, and 1 mobile
European region of Airports Council International (ACI station, has been in operation since 1998, well before the
Europe) aimed at managing greenhouse gas emissions airport began operating. Ground-level concentrations of
under the control of airport operators. AIA is currently the major pollutants (NOΧ, O3, PM10, PM2.5, SO2, CO and
accredited at Level 2 (Reduction) of Airport Carbon HCs), as well as basic meteorological parameters (wind
Accreditation and has set the following long-term goal: speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity,
precipitation, total solar radiation and atmospheric
a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions pressure), are measured.
under AIA’s direct control
by 2020 using 2005 as a baseline year